Small business owners, including the self-employed, want to offer affordable health coverage to employees and end their reliance on government-run health care.
Our government can provide solutions to their reasonable requests.
Make private coverage more affordable for small business –
Provide tax credits to small business employers and their employees to keep them off inefficient government-run health care.
Make out-of-pocket costs tax deductible.
Level the playing field with big business –
Ensure small businesses have access to the same choices of health insurance as big business.
Allow small businesses to band together so they can buy health care like large corporations.
Reduce regulation and red tape for small businesses when offering quality benefits for employees.
Give small business control to offer the coverage they want for their employees –
Don’t force small businesses to rely on government-run health care for employees.
Give self-employed individuals the same tax treatments as individuals who collect health insurance through their employer.
Set defined contribution options for employers that simplify health insurance and give employees a broad range of choices.
Create new gig-worker Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to help millions of part-time employees access coverage.
We can expand affordable coverage options for small business workers while lowering costs for all taxpayers.